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Comparing and Contrasting health disparities and equity

Comparing and Contrasting health disparities and equity

Healthcare industry is facing a number of challenges, which have been made worse by recent events. The struggle to provide effective, quality care across all populations has never stopped.

The struggle to provide quality patient care is not the same for all groups. This is why discussing disparities in health and equity is important. There is an injustice in that certain groups are not able to access the same health resources as others. It can be very beneficial to find nursing degrees in Illinois that address these inequalities and advance fair healthcare delivery in nursing career.

Let’s begin with some definitions and health inequity vs health disparity in detail.

What is Health and Health Care Disparities (HSD)?

Health disparities refers to health outcomes that differ between specific populations and the general population. In Healthy people 2020, it is defined as “…a specific type of health disparity that is closely related to economic, social or environmental disadvantage.”

The global health disparities or disparities on any scale should be viewed as a chain of events that is signified by the notable and marked differences.

  • Environment
  • Care efficiency, service accessibility, and service use
  • Health status and an outcome of health that warrants scrutiny.

Not all health disparities are the result of differences in health between different populations. It is not a disparity that soccer players have more ACL injuries than the rest of society. This is simply a difference in health. The fact that older people are less healthy than younger individuals is not a result of social injustice or discrimination.

What is Health Inequity?

Health inequity refers to the notion that health outcomes, determinants and resources are not distributed fairly within and among segments of the population regardless of their social status. Health inequities are characterized by the fact that they can be avoided, unjustified, and unnecessary. This is an addition to Margaret Whitehead’s definition. Let’s focus on health inequity vs health disparity.

As shown by the above statistic, racial inequality is a major cause of health inequity in the US. Data consistently show that Black adults report negative hands-on experience with healthcare field more than white adults. It is an injustice that leads to a disparity.

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Health Inequity Vs Health Disparity

Health disparities and health inequities may sound similar, but their relationship clarifies the roles they play within our society. Health inequities cause many health disparities, which are negative health outcomes that affect minorities and people who are underserved.

Health disparities, including increased rates of certain conditions, negative clinical experiences with healthcare confined to certain populations, or a specific example of lower rates of breast cancer survival for African American women, are often caused by social and financial inequalities, such as racial prejudice, access to health care & nutritious foods, safe drinking waters, and proper education nursing courses.

Inequities are the cause of health disparities. This phenomenon is most evident in different sections of the diabetic community.

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There are Health Disparities All Around, but You Can Make A Difference

Health disparities surround us, and they continue to grow. Health disparities are caused by the economic, educational, and social environment in which we live. These environments create barriers that prevent the underserved population from receiving adequate health care.

Health equity is achievable if we address these barriers together. This is a worthy career goal because it will reduce unnecessary suffering that comes from unequal access to healthcare services.

Nursing students can search for best nursing schools in Illinois (community college of nursing) that emphasize health equity and social injustice in healthcare when searching for nursing programs or online programs & make their career in nursing. Students at Verve College (private schools) learn about the social determinants and how to achieve health equity by implementing compassionate policies.

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